Endless Connections: Creating Authentic Relationships That Matter Pre-Release Preview
Review of Endless Connections: Creating Authentic Relationships That Matter
I'm on your side…I really am! That was my response to my daughter Jordan when I was talking to her about writing this book. Did I mention it is my millennial daughter Jordan?
I was sharing with her my “Why” her Boomer dad would write a book for those seeking to learn how to create authentic connections both personally and professionally. And in sharing this material, specifically working to serve Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Z’s.
Why would a Boomer want to serve those with a desire to learn the art and science of connecting, help them create authentic long-lasting relationships, and especially direct it to these three youngest generations? Because collectively, we need to bridge the gaps between generations for the good of all.
I’m one of those Boomers (there are a few of us) that truly understand the future of our nation, and more importantly our planet is dependent upon these generations. In fact, over 5 years ago, as I wrote my previous book, That Sucks…What Now? I publicly championed your generations while others were taking potshots at you.
I think many if not most boomers are making a mistake belittling, discounting, and throwing shade at you. There is strength in Gen. Xers, Millennials and Gen. Zs. Unfortunately, the Boomers that take issue with younger generations let their Boomer biases not allow them to see the potential you have.
What do I mean by Boomer bias? Well, I can assure you, as a boomer, on the way to achieving the many things that have I achieved, there were plenty of peaks, but there were plenty of valleys. And those valleys weren’t simple roll-down-the-hill landing softly kind of valleys.
I got my butt kicked, losing it all or close to all multiple times, and was left crying out to God for help during these kinds of valleys more than few times. The result is a bunch of scars, a reinvention or twelve, and a tremendous number of lessons learned and embodied.
Now, I'm not the only boomer that has a lot of scars from the past. There are many that gained from their experiences, and ultimately, hopefully wisdom is part of what has been gained through all those lessons. If I had been smart enough to utilize new technologies and innovation to avoid the pain endured while learning them, I would have done it in a heartbeat.
Unfortunately, many of the innovations of today didn’t exist…so I learned it the old fashion way. Thank you, sir, may I have another! (This reference from the hazing scene in Animal House! Check it out, it’s Hilarious!)
What I realized long ago is the feistiness, the drive, the desire you and the younger generations hold. You have something special. You have energy oozing from you combined with a desire to gain knowledge, wisdom, and experience, only doing so, without the pain. What a novel concept!
In my day it was, No pain, No gain! Today it’s, I have a brain, I want no pain, but I want the gain! You have desire, you are seeking wisdom. You are just seeking it without getting your butt kicked on the way. And for whatever reason, a significant number of boomers have taken offense to that. My suggestions to those Boomers or other older generations that have an issue…learn to become un-offendable!
In my time growing up, early in my younger career, with everything I've gone through, it was what it was. I took my butt kicking’s. I had bosses yell at me. I had to deal with unfair situations…so it was. And then things started to change…
Technology came into play. Political correctness (as incorrect as it is), came into play. So many things today are different than they were early in my career path. The question becomes why any Boomer would hold it against any member of the younger generations because younger generations want to succeed and contribute doing it smarter, quicker, with greater velocity, living more fulfilled lives from the start, and while enduring less butt kicking along the way if at all possible.
For me thinking it through critically, it was kind of like, get over it and get on with it Boomer!
So, back to the original statement…I'm on your side…I really am!
In a recent conversation with Bob Beaudine, Best-Selling Author of The Power of Who and 2 Chairs, Bob shared a Mike Murdock quote that really hit home about this work. Bob shared, “You will only be remembered for two things: the problems you solve or the ones you create!” I’m all for doing my part in helping solve the problem of people not having enough conversations, not getting along with all the generations, and therefore not developing enough relationships because they have never been taught the process. Strap in! Let's get started and jump into this! Thank you for letting me be your guide…
Get your copy today at: http://EndlessConnectionsBook.com